Speculative Letters

A speculative letter is an application you send to an organisation who aren’t advertising any jobs but who you would like to work for.

Not all jobs  are advertised, so this could be a route into employment for you. Contacting them shows the employer that you are pro-active and motivated.

Also, if the organisation has no current  vacancies,  they may keep your letter on file and contact you if anything comes up.

If you decide to try this approach, you will need to send your CV along with your speculative letter.

Writing a speculative letter

As with a covering letter, the speculative letter needs to be tailored to each individual organisation. The letter will ‘sell’ you to them by highlighting what you have to offer, explain why you want to work for them and say what you can bring to the organisation.

  • Try and send it to a named individual – check the organisation’s website or ring to find out. Get their name, job title and e-mail address.


  • The layout of the letter is similar to a covering letter
  • Include your name, address, e-mail and mobile number
  • Paragraph 1: Say what sort of job you are looking for
  • Paragraph 2: ‘Sell’ the skills, experience and qualifications you have on offer. Tell the employer why you want to work for them. Show you know something about the organisation.
  • Closing paragraph: Say why you would be a good fit for the organisation and what you could bring to them


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