Part Time Work


Consider the following points if you are looking for a part-time job that fits in with study or family commitments:
  • There are restrictions covering young workers and part-time jobs – especially if you haven’t reached the official ‘school leaving’ age
  • Think about the hours and days that you are available. If the employer needs someone for 20 hours a week and you can only work on Saturday, it’s unlikely you will be considered.
  • Think about how far you are prepared to travel. And the cost of travel, if you are using public transport. Looking locally in your area will limit the jobs you will find – but don’t forget about applying to small businesses close to home
  • Do you know anyone who has a part-time job already? How did they get that job? Would they mind asking their manager about any other opportunities?
  • Are you prepared to go in and ask for a job?
  • If you take part-time work to fit in with something else – for example, while you are studying, then make sure that grades are not suffering because you have taken on too much

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