Labour Market Information (LMI)

Labour market information (LMI) gives information about:
  • Jobs
  • Sectors (like hairdressing or construction)
  • Pay and conditions
  • Labour market trends – like which sectors are recruiting
  • The skills employers are looking for
  • Future employment trends
This is a short video about Labour Market Information:


Sources of LMI

There are many sources of LMI. These are just a few:

The Black Country Intelligence Hub  A comprehensive look at the socio-economic challenges and opportunities in the Black Country
Careers and Enterprise Company Black country local labour market information
icould Careers website including career videos and articles
LMI Future Trends Information on 25 sectors and occupational groups
NCS Job Profiles Information on the skills and qualifications required for over 800 jobs
Nomis Official Labour Market Statistics
Office for National Statistics (ONS) Official statistics about the economy, population and society
Regenerating Sandwell

Current and future regeneration projects for Sandwell

Careers Live UK

Career opportunities in the West Midlands now and in the future

(Note: you will need to register to use this website)

‘Careerometer’ is provided by ‘LMI for All’. It is a tool that you can use to explore different jobs in England.

Just click on the dotted square, type in the career you are interested in and it provides a series of jobs in that area – just choose the one most relevant to you.

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