About Us


Connexions Sandwell provides careers guidance in line with statutory requirements to young people who live or are educated in the Sandwell area. *

We are committed to providing young people with high quality, independent support. We make them aware of all their options to enable them to take up employment, an apprenticeship or further learning and training opportunities to fulfil their potential.

We work with young people aged from 13- 18 years. If a young person has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and are Not in Education, Training or Employment (NEET) and keep in touch with Connexions, then we can support them until they are 25.

We give impartial information, advice and guidance that helps young people to make informed decisions about their future. We can help young people find suitable education, training or employment including apprenticeships.

We will continue to grow our business with honesty and integrity to guide our everyday actions.

 The service is delivered by highly qualified Personal Advisers and mentors who are experienced in working with young people.



The service is delivered by highly qualified Personal Advisers and mentors who are experienced in working with young people.


The range and depth of the support we give depends on need. It can include:

We run Careers Events  through the year.

We are part of Sandwell MBC and work in partnership with other local services.

We very much support the councils aims to encourage Sandwell residents to Keep on Learning after the age of 16 years

Watch videos from our YouTube channel
* Check with your school, academy, college or training provider if Connexions Sandwell delivers a     careers service there.


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Sandwell MBC Council House, Freeth Street, Oldbury, B69 3DB

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